Saturday, July 12, 2008


Well, I guess it was inevitable that I would start my own blog. I mean, practically everyone is doing it. But that brings up the question of what I think is important enough to write down. What thoughts and musings of mine will anyone want to read? Maybe I'll just write what is going on in my life right now, for lack of a better topic. My sister is engaged. And I couldn't be more happy for her. I'm so excited to be a bridesmaid. I've never been one before. I've been a bride, which was great. It's unfortunate that you only get to wear the dress once. It was so beautiful. But now it's my turn to be in the background, which I think I will like almost as much as getting married myself. I grew up in Paradise, in northern California and it's pretty much on fire right now. I'm afraid my parents will lose their home and that would really be bad. But it looks like the fire will stay away, but who knows? We'll just have to wait and see. Fire seems like a horrible way to go. Out of all the natural disasters people seem to be more afraid of earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes than fire. But with any of those three happen, there are some things left over. A house may be toppled but at least there is wood left and other things that can be used again. Not with fire. Once a fire burns your house, it's gone. There's nothing you can do but wipe it away and start over. Nothing left... Well, that's my thoughts for right now. Until next time.

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