Thursday, February 3, 2011


Letting a baby "cry it out"? Is this really what all these parents are doing to help their babies sleep at night? We did it for 10 minutes two nights ago and I never want to do it again. Plus, she didn't seem calmed at all, she just seemed more hysterical. I guess I need to do it for a bit longer but she still needs to be swaddled to fall asleep. So if she can't find her hands to soothe herself I'm not sure it can work. But she does get out of her swaddle often so maybe she'd do it if I left her there long enough but I seriously can't take hearing her cry. It breaks my heart. I might just have to deal with her terrible sleeping because I'm not sure I can let her cry alone in that dark room for very long. :(


Rasmussen Family said...

Three nights val is still it takes. Eliza didn't sleep through the night until like 9 or 10 months but after three nights of crying it out she sleeps amazingly. Last night 13 hours! Plus a 2 1/2 hr nap. Totally worth it

Valerie said...

Um, yeah. Since this post we tried letting her cry it out two separate cycles, the last cycle lasting about 2 weeks. Our baby doesn't do well with cry it out. Doesn't work on her. She sleeps through the night now, but we still have to help her to sleep. So, I don't really think it's worth it - all those nights of her crying it out and it never got much better. Over an hour every time.