Sunday, September 7, 2008

Espanol clase es muy dificil!

So classes started last week! How fun. This semester is going to be so intense. It already is. My Spanish class is so out of control already, but I'm keeping up so far. But here's something I can't stand. When guys stare... Honestly! It's not like I'm some blonde bombshell (although Brady may say otherwise) I'm just an ordinary girl, so why do boys always feel the need to stare? We were waiting in line at Walmart yesterday to return some goods that were unsatisfactory and this guy (he looked like a tool to me) with buttons on his back pants pockets, pants, which by the way were cuffed, and he just thinks he can look at me all he wants. And what is with the emo dressing craze these days? Tight girl pants on boys? Either these boys are chicken skinny or are huge and so either way the tight pants look terrible yet they seem to think they look good and continue to do this. Why, one may wonder? I cannot give you an adequate answer seeing as how I myself can't seem to figure out the appeal. But whatever. To each his own, or her own, I suppose. I have just pondered what I wrote in this entry and realized that perhaps I like to rant. I just don't understand things and wish someone could make some sense of life. If anyone has any answers, feel free to let me in on the secret.

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