Thursday, September 18, 2008

Some thoughts

Well, I guess I should blog since I haven't in a while. I feel ill. Class hurts my head, but in a good way, I think. I can't stop watching Gilmore Girls instead of doing homework. I found a spider the size of Aragog (see Harry Potter) in my living room. I'm almost positive it came over in our stuff from the last apartment. We are having a garage sale this weekend. It's at 8 in the morning, so no sleeping in. I haven't been sleeping well. Brady is already back into his late night working hours, so I can't get to sleep easily. Plus I've been reading Twilight again, well the series, and I can't stop reading it, so not only can I not sleep because Brady isn't there, I am being kept up late by the intriguing story of a vampire/human romance. I don't have much on my mind right now. I'm kind of feeling dull right now. SO, until some original thought enters my mind, this is it. Cheers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I know what you mean. i have been pretty sick too, brain and physically. I have been watching Grey's Anatomy too instead of homework! I just don't want to do anything! When can I see your place all set up??? Lets do something soon!