It's about a week late but my little baby is 6 months old! I can't believe how quickly she is growing up.
-She has 2 bottom teeth now. She's been more fussy lately so I'm wondering if she's getting her two top teeth, or at least having the preliminary pains. It took her a full month of "teething" until the tooth actually broke the skin and then after that it took even longer for them to actually show themselves fully.
-Her hair is really coming in on the top. SO cute! I can't wait until it's long enough I can put it into little pigtails on her head.
-She's 20 lbs 8 oz 28.5 in long. Healthy girl!
-We've started giving her rice cereal once a day. She isn't sure about it. She won't eat much of it but has started swallowing it at least.
-I've also started pumping so I can give her some breastmilk in a cup so she gets used to using one. We are lucky enough to have skipped the bottle and gone straight to the cup.
-We've decided to "sleep train." I am really not liking it but I know she really does need it. She's a terrible sleeper because she's dependent on us to get her to sleep, either me nursing her or Brady rocking her. Tonight is the first night and she cried for 45 minutes and was asleep but her leg was lodged in the crib bars so Brady went in to let it out and she woke up. Now she's been crying for almost another 30 mins but will be asleep shortly, I think. This SUCKS but hopefully it will be worth it! The doc said we should do it and Brady really wants to so I'm giving it a shot.
-She laughs and giggles so much! I love it. She really recognizes me and Brady now.
-She LOVES to walk outside. We've taken her on walks on every good day of weather here and she loves it.
-She won't stop rolling over! She travels all over the floor and ends up facing totally different directions with her rolling. She wants to crawl so badly, I can tell.
-She won't sit up by herself yet. She doesn't stop lunging forward so it keeps her off balance. But maybe she'll skip sitting up and go straight to crawling? We'll see!
Anyway, that's all I can think of now with what she's been doing. My birthday was on Thursday. That was a fun time. Brady took the whole day off, minus one class period, and we just spent the day together as a family. That's all for now!